The amount of people who died on the voyage of the Reichstag makes you appreciate just how difficult the voyage was for the Dodts who traveled to Australia in 1873 and just how lucky we all are that we were even born. http://maryborough.50megs.com/WEBreich1873pass.htm
Dodts in Pommern – Address Book
Lauenburg county [Search Towns] http://en.pommerndatenbank.de/welcome.html?sessid=8add93fcc0eef092078c07a384ed16e2 Dodt in Stralsund, county Stralsund surname firstname occupation town/street no. year source Dodt Anni unverehelicht Heilgeiststr. 80 1924 [1] Dodt Carl Kaufmann Heilgeiststr. 80 1924 [1] Quellen Adreßbuch für den Stadtkreis Stralsund. Ausgabe 1924. Hohenlimburg: Pell, 1924. Dodt in Stolp, county Stolp-Stadt surname firstname occupation town/street no. year source … Continue reading
Wilhelm Dodt [Łebień]
Ustalone dane żołnierzy poległych i zmarłych podczas I wojny światowej oraz kombatantów zmarłych w okresie międzywojennym Miejsce pochodzenia zabytku Herkunftsort des Denkmals Żródło danych Daten-quelle Stopień wojskowy Dientsgrad Jednostka wojskowa Militärische Einheit Nazwisko Name Imię Vorname Miejsce pochodzenia Herkunftsort Data urodzenia Geburtsdatum Wiek w chwili śmierci Alter zum Zeitpunkt des Todes Okoliczności śmierci Todesumstände Nazwa … Continue reading
Leba School History
Another teacher in the years 1795-1797 was a Christian Dodt, whose death at age 50 interrupted career. For five years he was probably the vacancy and the school was closed. It was not until the arrival of Hans Georg Polterocka disabled, allowed her to restart. http://www.historialeby.pl.tl/Szko%26%23322%3Ba.htm Historia Łeby Szkoła Kolejnym nauczycielem w latach 1795-97 był Christian Dodt, któremu śmierć w wieku 50 lat przerwała karierę. Przez pięć lat był wakat i prawdopodobnie szkoła była nieczynna. Dopiero przybycie … Continue reading
Łebień [Labehn] monument 1914-1918
Geh [r] mann Ernst Paul Gnadt Eduard Granzin Granzin Karl, † 28.11.1914. Granzin Karl, † 03.04.1918. Jeschke Friedrich Max Kamin Rudolf Klemm Knack Paul Koss Ernst Lietzau Hermann Georg Märzke Paul Matzkostz Wilhelm Nowack Pahnke Paul Alfred Schardin Ernst Schardin Franz Schardin Schardin Willibald Eduard Schmidtke Schmidtke Leonhard Adolf Schwienke Otto Sylvester Wilhelm Voß Adolf … Continue reading
Gustavo Dodt Barroso
Gustavo Dodt Barroso (December 29, 1888 in Fortaleza – December 3, 1957 in Rio de Janeiro[1]) was a Brazilian writer and politician associated with Brazilian Integralism. Biography He was half German by birth, his mother coming from Württemberg. Barroso made his name as a journalist and was for a time involved with the socialist Clube Maximo Gorki.[1] However his politics became more conservative … Continue reading
Where did the Australian Dodts emigrate from?
Two distinct families emigrated to Australia from Prussia (Germany) in the mid 1800s. The families headed by Johann Dodt (Gatton) and Gustav Dodt (Gympie) both settled in Queensland. A third, Carolina Dodt, emigrated also from Prussia and settled in Gympie (Queensland). Carolina was 19 years older than Gustav and 7 years older than Johann respectively. … Continue reading
Helenus Dodt (USA – buried San Antonio National Cemetry)
Helenus Dodt (USA – buried San Antonio National Cemetry, Section A. “Lieut USA. 1st Lt 24 US Inf”)
The Friedrich Franz Dodt Story (1869-1930)
The unsung heroes of early days – My Parents. Friedrich Franz Dodt my father, was born in Lantow in 1867. With his parents Gustav and Henriette Dodt, Emelie his sister, and his brother Karl (who was born on the boat) arrived in Maryborough onboard the ship Reichstag on 18th of July 1873. Gustav was employed … Continue reading