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Alfred A. Dodt and Margret M Cotter (1899 Detroit)

Posted by on September 21, 2011

See also:

Adam C Dodt and Bertha A. Paschke (1867 Pommern)


Birth: May 26, 1899
Wayne County
Michigan, USA
Death: Oct. 20, 1953
Wayne County
Michigan, USA

Married: Margret M Cotter born Sep 23, 1901 died Aug 25, 1995. 

Family links:
Adam C. Dodt (1867 – 1940)
Bertha A. Paschke Dodt (1873 – 1952)

White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery
Troy (Oakland County)
Oakland County
Michigan, USA
Plot: Section D


Alfred Dodt 


Son of Adam + Bertha

Margaret Dodt Thomas Joseph Dodt + Margaret Mary Fluary
Thomas Joseph Dodt 


Son of Alfred + Margaret

Margaret Mary Fluary Linda 







Alfred A. Dodt - Grave

Alfred A. Dodt - Grave


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