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Elmer Carl Dodt and Mary J. Gilchrist (1900 Michigan)

Posted by on September 21, 2011

See also:

Adam C Dodt and Bertha A. Paschke (1867 Pommern)

Birth: Aug. 22, 1900
Michigan, USA
Death: Jan. 30, 1973
Wayne County
Michigan, USA

Elmer was the son of Adam Dodt & Bertha Paschke of Germany. They came to America 1868. Elmer had brothers Alfred, Norman, & sisters Henrietta, Gertrude & Mildred. Elmer was the head of the Department of Military vehical Division at Chysler Corp of Detroit in WW-2. He had several patents on the Tanks & M73 gun vehicles of WW-2. Alfred & Norman were also with Chysler. Elmer & his family grew up in the Detroit area.

Family links:
Adam C. Dodt (1867 – 1940)
Bertha A. Paschke Dodt (1873 – 1952)

Mary J. Gilchrist Dodt (1899 – 1984)

Loraine Mary Dodt (1926 – 2001)*
Robert Elmer Dodt (1927 – 1990)*

*Point here for explanation

Acacia Park Cemetery
Beverly Hills
Oakland County
Michigan, USA


Elmer C Dodt - Grave

Elmer C Dodt - Grave

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