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Ernst Dodt und Johanna Miller-Muller (1834 Pommern)

Posted by on May 8, 2011

Ernst Dodt
Birth 13 Mar 1834 in Kries Neustadt-West Prussia
Death 1 May 1917 in Detroit Mi.Wayne Co

Johanna Miller-Muller
Birth March 18 1839 in Kries Neustadt-West Prussia
Death July 20 1913 in Gethsemane cemetary, 889 Mount Elliott Detroit Michigan


Ernst’s Parents were George and Ernestine Dodt.

George Dodt
Birth 1810 in West-Prussia
Death in Germany/Prussia

Ernestine Bahifyt
Birth 1810 in Germany/Prussia
Death in Germany/Prussia

Research by Bob Dodt



Adam Dodt

Adam C Dodt

Bertha Dodt

Bertha A Dodt (nee Paschke)

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