Thanks to my good friend Michael Krings, I was introduced to a website that maps where surnames are located in Poland. To my surprise, there are still people by the name of Dodt living in the same region of Poland as my ancestor Gustav Dodt.
The webpage says…
- Statystyka: Liczby do nazwiska ‘Dodt’
W Polsce są 4 osoby o nazwisku Dodt.
Zamieszkują oni w 1 różnych powiatach i miastach. Najwięcej zameldowanych jest w Lębork ,a dokładnie 4.
Which loosely translates as…
- Statistics: Figures to the name ‘Dodt’
In Poland, there are 4 people named Dodt.
They live in a variety of counties and cities. Most are domiciled in Lębork, and this is exactly the four