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Amelia Dodt und Carl Dettloff (Pommern 1843)

Posted by on May 8, 2011

Daughter of George Dodt

Birth 26 Dec 1843 in Prussia
Death 7 Oct 1916 in Trinity Cemetery

Spouse: Carl Dettloff 1844 – 1911


Richard Dettloff (1866-1938)

Paul Dettloff (1868-1938)

Charles Dettloff (1870-1950)

Otto J. Dettloff (1872-)

Max Dettloff (1874-1943)

Herman Dettloff (1875-1917)

Robert Henery Dettloff (1877-)

Emil Herman Dettloff (1879-)

William John Dettloff (1880-)

Alfred Dettloff (1882-1882)

Reinhold Dettloff (1884-1924)

Grover C Dettloff (1886-)

Klara Dettloff (1887-1890)


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